Let's Unchain the

Food Value chain

We at foodsnup believe in building sustainable environment solutions through innovation in food value chain, food waste management and digital farming.

A little about us

FoodSnup.com is built as an initiative to tackle the global challenges of food value chain and empowering women through agri-tech, a case study floated by the Young Sustainable Impact and Yara International in collaboration , as part of its 2019 YSI Global Innovation Program.

How FoodSnup.com contributes to the Food Value Chain?






The initiative of FoodSnup.com is a small contribution in offering some solutions to the concerned areas, built healthy collaborative partnerships, and create awareness about disruptions in food value chain.

Looking for the most effective solution ?

Food value chain management

We have built an integrated food management system software for restaurant owners and local vendors to buy the bulk food directly  use it as a raw material for their purposes.

Food waste management

We collaborate with the local restaurants in cities and collect  food waste, repackage it in cold storages and warehouses, and selling it to the marginalized sections of the society

Digital Farming management

Application of decision quality agronomic information to illuminate, predict, and affect the continuum of cultivation issues across the farm and generate effective information.

The Yara Teams will be solving some of the most complex problems and providing solutions around food value chain, digital farming and women empowerment in agri tech.

Test our software solutions now

We at foodsnup believe in building sustainable environment solutions through innovation in food value chain, food waste management and digital farming.

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